Aluminum car park entrance housing measuring 1000 x 375 mm, with LED displays height 125 mm 2 LEDs per amber color point 7 characters, protected by front panel.
Technical specifications
Lacquered aluminum profile, 1000 x 375 mm.
Single sided.
Front panel in colorless, anti-reflective 3 mm polymethyl methacrylate.
Front decoration in class 1 retroreflective film (50 cd/lux/m²).
Rear panel in 30/10e aluminum with fixing rails.
Variable message display 125 mm high 2 LEDs per point amber color 7 characters.
Amber LED 30° 2750 mcd.
Management terminal integrated into the box.
IP, RS485, RS422 control on protocol to be defined + 3 priority contact inputs.