Sandrine Burzynski
Signalisation dynamique

Sales Representative in "Intelligent Transport Systems" Department


TTS equips the Marseille metropolitan area with the latest generation of variable message signs, with Full Color Full Matrix display.

TTS recently equipped the Marseille metropolitan area with the latest generation of variable message signs (VMS), with Full Color Full Matrix displays. These dynamic signaling devices, deployed at various strategic points in the city, are an essential tool for informing road users, organizing traffic flow and ensuring maximum safety.

Installed in particular at tunnel entrances and key intersections, these signs are capable of displaying any type of message, whether it be traffic conditions notices, accident alerts or information related to road works. Their advanced technology meets current needs while anticipating future requirements.

Technology at the service of intelligent mobility

Full Color Full Matrix technology represents a real change in road traffic management. Thanks to this innovation, operators can broadcast messages without restrictions on content, color or format, in full compliance with current standards.

These panels meet the current challenges of dynamic traffic management while opening the way to new functionalities as needs evolve. They thus offer unprecedented flexibility to adapt to future user communication requirements.

With this new equipment, the Marseille metropolitan area is acquiring a modern and efficient system, capable of strengthening road safety and improving the user experience on the road network.

Panneaux à message variables Marseille

Reopening of the Mescla and Reveston tunnels (near Nice): increased security with our dynamic signaling equipment.

After almost 20 months of work, the Mescla and Reveston tunnels have been put back into circulation for users.

Our signaling equipment is present throughout this structure and contributes to the beauty of the whole. The tunnel entrance is equipped with a matrix pictogram VMS, which informs tunnel users of special conditions, such as two-way traffic. Our lane allocation signs mark out the tunnels and remind users of the valid traffic lanes.

If the work lasted so long, it is in particular because evacuation tunnels were created. To indicate these essential evacuation zones, our guide chevrons and emergency exit cladding were installed. This essential equipment allows regular tunnel users to locate emergency exits. In the event of an accident, their luminous flash when operating is capable of piercing the thickest smoke to guide users to the emergency exits in the event of a fire. In addition, backlit police signs also indicate emergency areas and shelters equipped with fire extinguishers.

The work was long, but the end result is prestigious: it is a brand new tunnel, both perfectly safe and aesthetic, that users of these roads now use.

Thank you for visiting our space at Intertraffic 2022.

The TTS sales team is back from Intertraffic 2024 in Amsterdam, the flagship event for those involved in our activities. A big thank you to everyone who made this experience possible and enriching.

We were located right in the heart of the ITS space, and our intelligent transportation systems products were particularly highlighted. Faithful to our logic, we exhibited "real products", notably a Full Color Full Matrix panel, identical to those installed on the Parisian highways in anticipation of the Olympics. Very impactful, it made the difference among all the other competing products on display.

It was supported by the presence of our “Intelligent Transport Systems” activity manager, Stéphane Checcaroni, who came to present his new product catalog, that this 2024 edition of Intertraffic took place through meetings and reunions.

Appointment is made for 2026...
TTS sur le salon Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024

TTS: A Visionary Trajectory in ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) for the Paris Olympic Games.

While the spotlight around the world will turn to Paris in 2024, TTS will also participate, at its level, in offering an innovative image of the city.
Our latest generation Variable Message Panels have been selected for signage on the main access routes to the event and will ensure smooth and secure movement of delegations on certain key roads in Paris and its region. Our equipment will leave a lasting legacy in terms of intelligent infrastructure for the city of Paris and more broadly for the entire Île-de-France region.

A prestigious market: the supply of Variable Message Panels specifically installed for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games is a prestigious, highly coveted affair that all signage players wanted to win. Our selection testifies to the reliability of our products, our organizational rigor, and above all the relevance of our strategic choices.

Validation of the Company's Vision: This project illustrates the excellence of TTS' innovation in the field of road signaling equipment, thus validating our pioneering vision. It attests to the accuracy of our investments, our cutting-edge technological developments and the bold choices that propel us today to the leading manufacturer of road signs on the national market.

Expertise and Leadership of TTS: We have obtained our expertise and our leading status by equipping a wide variety of sites, motorways, expressways, national roads, ring roads, tunnels. With at the heart of our success and beyond our technological innovations, our exceptional team of highly qualified professionals, industrial infrastructures that match our ambitions and our agile approach allowing us to meet the most demanding technological and operational challenges and such as those planned for the Olympic Games.

City of Paris, TTS takes up the challenge: to renovate a 25-year-old SES panel in 2 months.

TTS takes up the challenge:
A large number of old dynamic road signaling equipment installed in Paris were supplied by the company SES, which is now shut down. The repair of this equipment is becoming a real headache for the city of Paris and the JCDecaux company in charge of the market for the maintenance of the latter: Lack of interlocutors and spare parts.

Following a renovation proposal made by TTS on 04/10/2022, the city of Paris is challenging us, namely: to renovate, make operational and install the panel on site by the date of 23/11 /2022.

TTS successfully took up this challenge and also supplied a new cabinet.

The renovation process was carried out at TTS's second industrial site, located in Jouy Le Moutier in the Val d'Oise department.

The main stages of this renovation:

• Complete cleaning of the panel.
• Re-sealing, mainly of the doors.
• The study and development of new displays.
• The software development of the VDP protocol.
• Installation of TTS electronics.
• Global compliance.
• The design and construction of a new cabinet.
• Refitting the panel and cabinet.
• The commissioning of the whole.

The installation and commissioning are carried out the night of 23 to 24/11/2022. Everything works as expected.

A8 motorway: installation of lane neutralization pre-marking sequences.

Neutralizing a traffic lane is a particularly sensitive action on the motorway. It obeys strict rules likely to provide maximum safety to users and road agents.

The rotating panels allow the implementation of essential pre-marking sequences to warn the user. They are permanently fixed on either side of the roadway, and are deployed when necessary. Inactive, the panels are parallel to the road, thus delivering no information to users. Once the system is activated, the panels pivot to place themselves in the axis of the road, thus materializing the temporary signage.
Here on the A8, each set is built on the basis of 3 signaling sequences several hundred meters apart, arranged in pairs, on either side of the motorway :

800 m upstream: two sets of AK5 panels equipped with 3 light optics with a diameter of 130.
600 m upstream: two sets of KD10 panels + sign 600 m.
200 m upstream: two sets of KD10 panels + sign 200 m.

ADAPTED TO EACH SITUATION: Each sequence incorporates on its mast the signaling announcing the reduction of the lanes on the left side, or on the right side. The site is thus perfectly pre-equipped.
TOTALLY AUTONOMOUS IN ENERGY: all our sets are overhung by a small solar panel, supplying the motorization and the light signaling.
SIMPLE & SAFE PILOTING: The deployment of the rotating panels can take several forms. In this specific case, the operator activates the sets in complete safety from his service vehicle, and very easily with the remote control.

More information on our rotating panels

Après presque 20 mois de travaux, les tunnels de la Mescla et de Reveston ont été remis en circulation pour les usagers.

Nos équipements de signalisation sont présents partout dans cet ouvrage et contribuent à la beauté de l’ensemble. L’entrée du tunnel est équipée d’un PMV à pictogramme matriciel, qui permet d’informer les utilisateurs du tunnel des conditions particulières, comme par exemple une circulation à double sens. Nos signaux d’affectation de voies jalonnent les tunnels et rappellent les voies de circulation valides.

Si les travaux ont duré aussi longtemps, c’est notamment parce que des tunnels d’évacuation ont été créés. Pour signaler ces zones d’évacuation essentielles, nos chevrons de guidage et nos habillages d’issues de secours ont été installés. Ces équipements essentiels permettent aux utilisateurs réguliers du tunnel de repérer les issues de secours. En cas de sinistre, leur éclat lumineux en fonctionnement est capable de traverser les fumées les plus épaisses pour guider les usagers vers les issues de secours en cas d’incendie. Par ailleurs, des panneaux de police rétroéclairés signalent également les zones de secours et les abris équipés d’extincteurs.

Les travaux ont été longs, mais le résultat final est prestigieux : c’est un tout nouveau tunnel, à la fois parfaitement sécurisé et esthétique, que les usagers de ces routes empruntent désormais.