In order to help improve road users ability to identify safety exits in normal use and especially in order to help in finding these exits in evacuation situations, the use of guide chevrons installed alongside each exit has been validated. These emit an illuminated dynamic signal which guides users towards the nearest exit.
Behavioural aspects :
hevrons are symbols which are recognised by road users, and are used as safety and directional sign.They help to identify exits to road users under normal driving conditions, and act as reinforcement signage for the same exits when illuminated in scrolling/streaming animated mode.
When in static mode the chevrons help point out emergency exits, help in identifying them, help to locate them and provide an estimate of distances to the exits.
In the dynamic state the chevrons act as indicators showing the direction to follow for the evacuation of road users in the event of an incident in a tunnel.
TTS chevrons are designed to comply in every detail with the technical requirements demanded by the strict constraints encountered in tunnel environments (protection indices, impact resistance, self-extinguishing properties, material toxicity, visibility, light levels, design ergonomics etc.).
The benchmark product :TTS has manufactured the very first batches of equipment after being awarded the contract for making the prototypes. These were used to define and to undertake qualification of these new guidance systems in order that they might be universally installed in tunnels. As a result we have equipped all the road tunnels in the Paris region (DIRIF),
our recognised reference in this field.